Site News of the Year 2013

24 December 2013 You can try to get free $50 with the code RTGCHIPCOM at Royal Ace, Planet 7 Casino and Silver Oak, $50 with OCB50 or $48 with 48HOURS at Royal Ace, $100 with CAT100 or $10 with COOLCATFAN at Cool Cat, $42 with 42PLAYER at Cool Cat or Wild Vegas, $100 with GIFTCHIP at Cirrus, $45 with XMASTIME45 at Prism, $60 with RTS60 or $100 with BIGWIN at Ruby Slots, $100 with UCB100 at Prism, Cirrus, Cool Cat or Wild Vegas, $10 with GOLOCO10 at Loco Panda, 15 free spins at Caesar’s Empire Slot with 15CAESARS at Grand Parker (RTG, US OK, attention, not more than 2 free chips in a row!).
iNetBet (RTG, US OK) gives free $10 with the code VTQUC (hurry, valid till 26 of December!).
Slotland (propr., no US) gives free $28 with AHOY28 code to try Treasure Island slot.

Merry Christmas! Good luck and best wishes to all!

17 December 2013 You can try to get free $62 with the code 62NEWGAME or $25 with 25DECFREESPIN at Planet 7 Casino, $100 with OAKTREE at Silver Oak, $100 with FREEBIRD at Palace of Chance, $50 with 1STDAY2013 or $62 with CHILLY62 or 50 free spins at Builder Beaver Slot with SPINBUILDER at Cool Cat, $100 with FUNSLOTS at Club Player, $100 with DECORATE at Party City, $75 with MY75PRISM or $42 with 42PINETREE at Prism, $8 with FREEDOLLARS at Grand Parker (RTG, US OK, attention, not more than 2 free chips in a row!).
SlotoCash (RTG, US OK) gives free $5 with the code 5XMAS.
Desert Night (RTG, US OK) gives 15 free spins with Lucky Tiger Slot with the code 15LUCKYTIGER (valid till 22nd, hurry!).
Pocket Win mobile casino gives free $5.
NetBet and Platin Casino (propr.) give to the new players $10 each.
GoWild (Microgaming) gives 15 free spins to the new players as Christmas bonus.

Just one week until Christmas! So do not forget to check your favorite casinos for special promotions!

eGR magazine announced Operator Award winners. The best gambling and casino operator is 888 Casino (Cassava). Paddy Power (PlayTech) got the best slot operator award plus the best mobile operator for their Roller Casino.

10 December 2013 You can try to get free $50 with the code REDBARON at Royal Ace, $52 with 52CLOUD at Cirrus, $48 with 48FREETHROW at Palace of Chance, $42 with 42GAMEPLAY at Club Player, $50 with NAUGHTY50 or CODE50 at Cool Cat or Wild Vegas, $75 with 75NEWVEGAS at Ruby Slots, 20 free spins at T-Rex slot with 20SPINWIN at Grand Parker, $7 with 7SLOTS at Classy Coin (RTG, US OK, attention, not more than 2 free chips in a row!).
iNetBet (RTG, US OK) gives free $5 with the code WVH3K.
Slotastic (RTG, US OK) offers free $5 with the code TRY5FREE.

03 December 2013 You can try to get free $50 with the code DECEMBER2013 or APPRECIATION or $15 with LOADUP at Royal Ace, Planet 7 Casino and Silver Oak, $25 with TYSOAK25 or $100 with GOLDMEDAL at Silver Oak, $100 with 100CHIPS at Cool Cat, $50 with DEC2013APP at Prism, Cirrus, Cool Cat or Wild Vegas, $100 with LADYLUCK at Prism, $62 with 62GOFREE at Party City, $7 with HOLIDAY7 at OnBling (RTG, US OK, attention, not more than 2 free chips in a row!).
iNetBet (RTG, US OK) gives free $5 with the codes U8P6R or CP74T (if you didn't play for 30 days).
Intertops Classic Casino (propr., US OK) offers free $25 with the code CHRISTMAS25.

It's almost a month till Christmas and New Year, but many casinos already annonced their promotions. So check your favorite casinos for great December bonuses!

Major Tom is a new Microgaming (no US) casino. They offer up to 150% sign-up bonus for $100 deposit plus additional bonuses.

New «Casino of the Month» is Desert Night (RTG, US OK). It's well-known casino from respected group. It's one of the first to offer RTG mobile software! Even more, they give free $15 to play their updated mobile casino (for iPhone/iPad plus Samsung Galaxy 4+) with the code CASINO15EXPERT. Besides casino gives $8 no-deposit bonus plus up to $8888 on the first 6 deposits. It's one of recommended casinos for US players (other countries are welcome too, of course), and one of few, that offer mobile games. So please, try them!

26 November 2013 You can try to get free $15 with the code LOADUP at Royal Ace, Planet 7 Casino and Silver Oak, $75 with TGIVING75 or $100 with REGAL at Royal Ace, $75 with SPACE75 at Planet 7 Casino, $100 with PILGRIM at Cool Cat, $60 with 60FREE at Palace of Chance, $57 with CHIP57 at Ruby Slots, $100 with SNOWBOARD at Club Player, $30 with PRISMTY30 at Prism, $43 with 43RAINDROP at Cirrus, $27 with LOCO27 or $10 with WEEKEND10 at Loco Panda (RTG, US OK, attention, not more than 2 free chips in a row!).
iNetBet (RTG, US OK) gives free $5 with the codes FBNOV5 or A49VM.
Grande Vegas (RTG, US OK) offers free $33 to the new players with the code 33THREE.
Slotastic (RTG, US OK) offers free $10 with the code 10FREE.
Intertops (RTG, US OK) gives 10 free spins at Santastic slot with the code SANTAFREE.
NetEnt casinos (e.g. RedBet) gives 5-50 free spins to the depositors to play their new Twin Spin slot.

Thanksgiving is near, so do not forget to check you e-mail and favorite casinos for special promos!

19 November 2013 You can try to get free $50 with the code TRYFIFTY at Silver Oak, $100 with CLEO100 or $60 with VOYAGER60 at Planet 7 Casino, $100 with COOLONLINE100 or $76 with 76UNION at Cool Cat or Wild Vegas, $25 with RICH252013 at Palace of Chance, $100 with GETDOWN at Party City, $46 with 46ROSSI at Prism, $100 with LIGHTNING at Cirrus (RTG, US OK, attention, not more than 2 free chips in a row!).
iNetBet (RTG, US OK) gives free $5 with the codes MGYJG.
Try WT645 code at WinTingo Casino (Microgaming, no US) to get 10 free spins.

12 November 2013 You can try to get free $25 with the code CBR25 at Royal Ace, Planet 7 Casino and Silver Oak, $25 with MUSTHAVE25 at Silver Oak, $90 with CLOUD90 at Planet 7 Casino, $45 with 45RECORD at Royal Ace, $100 with PARTYHARD at Party City, $30 with CASHOUT at Ruby Slots, $100 with BLIZZARD at Cirrus (RTG, US OK, attention, not more than 2 free chips in a row!).
Jackpot Grand Casino (RTG, US OK) gives 25 free spins at Achilles slot with SPINS25 code. Casino (propr., US OK) gives free $10 for joyning them on Facebook.
Gossip Slots (propr., US OK) gives 25 free spins on the Boomanji Slot to the new players.

06 November 2013 You can try to get free $50 with the codes APPRECIATION or NOVEMBER2013 or HAPPYHALLOWEEN or SPOOKYCHIP at Royal Ace, Planet 7 Casino and Silver Oak, $90 with CLOUD90 Planet 7 Casino, $75 with WINTER75 at Silver Oak, $100 with PLAYTIME at Prism, $60 with HALLOWEENFREE or $100 with FALL100 at Ruby Slots, $100 with SNOWBALL at Cool Cat or Wild Vegas, $40 with 40NIGHTS at Cirrus, $92 with 92BLUE at Wild Vegas, $50 with NOV2013APP at Prism, Cirrus, Cool Cat or Wild Vegas, $50 with NOV13APP at Palace of Chance, Club Player, Party City, Ruby Slots, $50 with HAPPYHALLOWEEN at Palace of Chance, Club Player, Party City, Ruby Slots, Prism, Cirrus, Cool Cat or Wild Vegas, $9 with CODE9 at Grand Parker (RTG, US OK, attention, not more than 2 free chips in a row!).
iNetBet (RTG, US OK) gives free $5 with the codes PUEAT.
Buzzluck (RTG, US OK) offers free $10 with the code RTLS10SURVIVE.
Magic Wins (propr., no US) gives free €10 to the new players (plus daily freerolls).

29 October 2013 You can try to get free $50 with the codes TREAT50 or HALLOWEEN2013 at Royal Ace, Planet 7 Casino and Silver Oak, $50 with 50CANDLES at Royal Ace, $75 with 75SILVER at Silver Oak, $70 with STARS70 at Planet 7 Casino, $100 with BALLROOM at Club Player, $44 with MASK44 at Party City, $100 with NICECAT at Cool Cat, $50 with HALLOWEEN2013 at Palace of Chance, Club Player, Party City, Ruby Slots, Prism, Cirrus, Cool Cat or Wild Vegas (RTG, US OK, attention, not more than 2 free chips in a row!).
iNetBet (RTG, US OK) gives free $5 with the codes HNYJH or R7ET7.
Grande Vegas (RTG, US OK) offers 10 free spins to play Henhouse Slot with HENSPINS code.
SlotoCash and Desert Night (RTG, US OK) give 40 free spins at mobile slot Count Spectacular with the code 40COUNT100 - hurry, valid till 31 of October.
Prime Slots (NetEnt, no US) gives free $5 to the new players.
Alibaba Casino (propr., no US) gives free €5 to the new players.
Follow «miamiclubcasino» at Twitter to get free $5 at Miami Club (WGS, US OK) - hurry, valid till 31 of October.

Halloween is near, so check your favorite casinos for special promotions! Here are two more no-deposits for you: Jackpot Grand (RTG, US OK) gives free $15 plus 10 free spins on Aladdin's Wishes slot with SCARY15 code.
GoWild Casino (Microgaming, no US) gives special 30 free spins to the new players at Witches Wealth slot.

22 October 2013 You can try to get free $45 with the code 45CHIPNOW at Royal Ace, $100 with SPOOKY10 at Planet 7 Casino, $62 with VEGAS62 or $25 with PUMPKINFB25 at Prism, $82 with 82GRAYSKY at Cirrus, $100 with CHIPLEADER at Party City, $45 with 45DANCER at Palace of Chance, $80 with 80CRAZY at Wild Vegas, $77 with CAPITAL77 at Ruby Slots (RTG, US OK, attention, not more than 2 free chips in a row!).
Miami Club (WGS, US OK) gives free $10 to the new players with the code MIAMIFREE10.

15 October 2013 You can try to get free $100 with the code REDLIGHT or $25 with SPOOKME25 at Silver Oak, $100 with APOLLO at Planet 7 Casino, $42 with GAMBIT42 at Club Player, $100 with SUNLIGHT at Prism, $50 with BLACKKITTEN50 at Cool Cat, $50 with SCRATCH50 at Cool Cat or Wild Vegas, $46 with 46BUGSY at Wild Vegas, $125 with MYFREE125 at Palace of Chance, Prism, Cirrus, Club Player, 25 free spins with Crystal Waters with OCT25 at Loco Panda, 20 free spins at Builder Beaver slot with ABB20 at OnBling, $18 with PARK18 or $10 with TENFREE at Grand Parker (RTG, US OK, attention, not more than 2 free chips in a row!).
iNetBet (RTG, US OK) gives free $5 for Canadian Theankgiving with the code CTG13.
Desert Night (RTG, US OK) gives 15 free spins with T-Rex slot with the code TREXSPINS (valid till 20th, hurry!).
Leo Vegas (NetEnt, no US) gives 20 free spins on Starburst slot to the new players.

08 October 2013 You can try to get free $75 with the code RICKFREE75 or $100 with RICKFREE100 or $50 with APPRECIATION at Royal Ace, Planet 7 Casino and Silver Oak, $100 with BLUEBLOOD at Royal Ace, $100 with FREERUN at Silver Oak, $100 with MERCURY at Planet 7 Casino, $99 with PRINCE99 or $25 with OOCTFB25 at Palace of Chance, $86 with CLUB86 at Club Player, $88 with 88MILES at Party City, $60 with 60GOFREE at Cirrus, $100 with REDROSES or $50 with NEWRUBYSLOTS at Ruby Slots, $100 with COOLCATCHIP at Cool Cat, $75 with RICKFREE75 or $100 with RICKFREE100 or $50 with OCT2013APP at Prism, Cirrus, Cool Cat or Wild Vegas, $50 with OCT13APP at Palace of Chance, Club Player, Party City, Ruby Slots, $50 with THANKYOU at Palace of Chance, Club Player, Party City, Ruby Slots, Prism, Cirrus, Cool Cat or Wild Vegas, 40 free spins at Builder Beaver slot with BUILDER40 at Classy Coin (RTG, US OK, attention, not more than 2 free chips in a row!).

01 October 2013 You can try to get free $50 with the code RICKFREE50 at Royal Ace, Planet 7 Casino and Silver Oak, $100 with CACTUS or $25 with NCP25 at Silver Oak, $60 with 60CITY or $50 with JOUST50 at Palace of Chance, $70 with 70CITY at Club Player, $50 with NEW50P or 50YARDLINE at Prism, $50 with TRYUSTODAY or $50 with ROYALRUBY at Ruby Slots, $50 with PANTHER at Cool Cat or Wild Vegas, $50 with RICKFREE50 at Prism, Cirrus, Cool Cat or Palace of Chance, $8 with EIGHT at Classy Coin (RTG, US OK, attention, not more than 2 free chips in a row!).
iNetBet (RTG, US OK) gives free $5 with the code NNKFQ.
Jackpot Capital (RTG, US OK) gives 20 free spins with Small Fortune slot with the code FREEANTARMY.

New «Casino of the Month» is 888casino (Cassava, no US). It's one of the oldest and probably the biggest online casino in the world! I really enjoyed playing blackjack and new City Life 2 slot there. They offer $200 match sign-up bonus, lots of nice games and deposit/withdrawal methods.

24 September 2013 You can try to get free $80 with COWBOY80 code at Royal Ace, $71 with VEGAS71 at Planet 7 Casino, $33 with 33BLUESKY at Cirrus, $50 with RUBY50 at Ruby Slots, $65 with WILDRIDE65 at Wild Vegas, $100 with SNOWCAT at Cool Cat, $60 with 60LIGHTYEARS at Club Player, $10 with GETTEN at OnBling, 25 free spins at Aladdin Wishes slot with SEP25 at Classy Coin, $17 with LOC17 at Loco Panda (RTG, US OK, attention, not more than 2 free chips in a row!).
Insane Slots (propr., no US) gives $15 to the new players.

17 September 2013 You can try to get free $100 with the code FREEFUN at Silver Oak, $30 with 30PLANET23 at Planet 7 Casino, $100 with RAINFALL at Cirrus, $25 with KINGSCODE25 or $62 with SPIN62WIN at Palace of Chance, $49 with 49STRIKEGOLD or $25 with PRISMBLAST25 at Prism, $54 with 54ACES at Party City, $45 with 45SLOTPULL at Ruby Slots, $38 with FREE38CASH at Wild Vegas, $50 with NDB50 at Palace of Chance, Club Player, Party City, Ruby Slots, 40 free spins with T-Rex with 40SPINS at Loco Panda, $40 with THEBIGFREECHIPLIST at Grand Parker (RTG, US OK, attention, not more than 2 free chips in a row!).
iNetBet (RTG, US OK) gives free $5 with the code CP74T.
Grande Vegas (RTG, US OK) offers 13 free spins on Regal Riches slot with the code FREE09132 (valid for 3 days!).
SlotoCash (RTG, US OK) offers 15 free spins on Ceasars Empire slot with the code SUPERSPINS.

10 September 2013 You can try to get free $50 with the code FREEPLAY50 at Royal Ace, Planet 7 Casino and Silver Oak, $62 with CROWN62 at Royal Ace, $50 with TRAVEL50 at Silver Oak, $55 with 55NOFEE at Planet 7 Casino, $100 with RAINFALL at Cirrus, $30 with 30UWIN at Palace of Chance, $25 with PRISMBLAST25 or $30 with JOINUS30 at Prism, $88 with PIANO88 at Cool Cat, $20 with WINWIN20 at WinPalace, $9 with 9OPEN at Loco Panda (RTG, US OK, attention, not more than 2 free chips in a row!).
iNetBet (RTG, US OK) gives 5 free spins at TREX slot with the code FRIFSSEPT.
Planet Kings Casino (Rival, no US) gives free $33 to the new players.
Money Storm Casino (propr., US OK) offers free $300 to the new players.
Maria Casino (NetEnt, no US) gives free $5 to the new players.

03 September 2013 You can try to get free $50 with the code APPRECIATION or SEPTEMBER2013 at Royal Ace, Planet 7 Casino and Silver Oak, $33 with 33HORSES at Royal Ace, $50 with 50YEARS at Silver Oak, $50 with DREAMBIG at Planet 7 Casino, $20 with MOREFUN20 or $75 with CLOUDY75 at Cirrus, $50 with 50STATES at Palace of Chance, $44 with CHIPSTACK44 at Club Player, $150 with PRISM150 or $77 with 77COCKTAILS at Prism, $65 with LABOR65 at Party City, $30 with MOREFUN30 or $50 with LCB50ND at Ruby Slots, $50 with NDWILD50 at Wild Vegas, $100 with THANKYOU at Palace of Chance, Club Player, Party City, Ruby Slots, Prism, Cirrus, Cool Cat or Wild Vegas, $50 with SEP2013APP at Prism, Cirrus, Cool Cat or Wild Vegas, $50 with SEP13APP at Palace of Chance, Club Player, Party City, Ruby Slots, $10 with FLY10 at OnBling, $10 with GLU10 at Loco Panda (RTG, US OK, attention, not more than 2 free chips in a row!).
iNetBet (RTG, US OK) gives free $5 with the code HNPDP.
Desert Night (RTG, US OK) gives 12 free spins with Loch Ness Loot slot with the code FREELOOT.

After a long pause we have a new Cryptologic casino - RedKings (no US)! They offer $10 no-deposit bonus, up to $1000 first deposit bonus, plus 2nd deposit and monthly bonuses.

27 August 2013 You can try to get $100 with with the code JUPITER or use HILLBILLY25 to get 25 free spins at Planet 7 Casino, $75 with CLOUDY75 at Cirrus, 50 free spins at Achilles slot with 50SPINS at Grand Parker (RTG, US OK, attention, not more than 2 free chips in a row!).
iNetBet (RTG, US OK) gives free $5 with the code WY96V (another $5 for depositing players with CP74T).
Slots Jungle (RTG, US OK) gives free $20 with the code SJ20NOW.
Lottery Casino (propr., no US) gives $5 to the new mobile players. Plus you can try code AUGUST10 to get $10 more without deposit.

20 August 2013 You can try to get free $100 with the code GOODFUN at Silver Oak, $76 with SPIRITOF76 at Party City, $52 with 52COOLER at Cool Cat, $25 with PLAYNOW25 at Cirrus, $40 with 40FREERIDE at Palace of Chance, $25 with JOIN25 at Club Player, $100 with MONEYBALL at Prism, $50 with UCB50 or $100 with REDHOT at Ruby Slots, $40 with 40FREEPLAY or 40PLAYTIME at Wild Vegas, $10 with WEEKEND10 at Classy Coin (RTG, US OK, attention, not more than 2 free chips in a row!).
Castle Casino (propr., no US) gives $5 for mentioning them in popular social networks.
NetBet Casino (propr., no US) gives free $10 to the new players.

13 August 2013 You can try to get 25 free spins at Mermaid Queen Slot with the code MERMAIDACE at Royal Ace, Planet 7 Casino and Silver Oak, $50 with TOURNAMENTCHIP or $100 with ROYALTY at Royal Ace, $15 with CASINOCASH or $100 with PRESEASON at Silver Oak, $50 with DISCOVER50 at Planet 7 Casino, $38 with FREE38CASH at Cool Cat, $50 with 50BELOW at Cirrus, $50 with COIN50 at Palace of Chance, $60 with 60CLUBCHIPS at Club Player, $75 with NDCO75 at Prism, $100 with 100FREE at Club Player, Palace of Chance, Prism, Cirrus, Ruby Slots or Wild Vegas, $10 with TENCASH at OnBling, $8 with WEEKEND8 at Loco Panda (RTG, US OK, attention, not more than 2 free chips in a row!).
Slotland (propr., no US) gives free $17 with GETSUPER17 code to play new Super Sevens slot.
BetWay Casino (Microgaming, no US) gives 20 free spins on Cashapillar slot to the existing players.

06 August 2013 You can try to get free $50 with the code APPRECIATION or AUGUST2013 at Royal Ace, Planet 7 Casino and Silver Oak, $100 with PRESEASON at Silver Oak, $57 with 57COUPE at Party City, $100 with HOUSECAT at Cool Cat, $88 with LUCKY88 at Wild Vegas, $100 with 100AUG13 or $72 with SLOTS72 at Ruby Slots, $50 with TRYUS at Palace of Chance, $50 with THANKYOU or AUG2013 at Club Player, Palace of Chance, Prism, Ruby Slots or Wild Vegas, $8 with PLAY8 at Grand Parker (RTG, US OK, attention, not more than 2 free chips in a row!).
SlotoCash (RTG, US OK) offers 11 free spins on Achilles slot with the code SPIN11.

New Casino of the Month is Betfair Casino (PlayTech, no US). It belongs to the biggest betting exchange which adds reliability to the great software. I really enjoyed playing blackjack and new Sopranos slot. I doubled my deposit and got the money the same day! Really nice casino, I recommend it.

30 July 2013 You can try to get free $46 with the code 46PILOT at Royal Ace, $150 with SOLAR150 at Planet 7 Casino, $100 with 100SOAK or STARDUST at Silver Oak, $100 with FREEFALL at Cirrus, $100 with WIZARD at Palace of Chance (RTG, US OK, attention, not more than 2 free chips in a row!).
RedBet (NetEnt, no US) gives 5 free spins to play Space Wars slot to the new players.
iNetBet (RTG, US OK) gives free $5 with the code 1HRH1.

Well known Ladbrokes Sportsbook/Casino (no US) opened new Ladbrokes Vegas casino with PlayTech software. New casino gives free $25 bonus (available for existing Ladbrokes customers, who played at their Microgaming casino) plus 100% up to $200 on the first deposit and more.

Circus Casino closed, all players moved to Genting Casino (PlayTech, no US).

23 July 2013 You can try to get free $10 with the code JULYWEEKENDCB2 or $50 with JLRA50 at Planet 7 Casino, Royal Ace or Silver Oak, $30 with NODEPROYAL30 or NDGROYAL30 at Royal Ace, $50 with CASINATOR50P7 at Planet 7 Casino, $50 with CASINATOR50SOAK at Silver Oak, $50 with APPRJLR50 at Club Player, Palace of Chance, Prism, Ruby Slots or Wild Vegas, $40 with CACTUS40 at Wild Vegas, $50 with NDCASINOFORUM at Cool Cat, Club Player, Palace of Chance, $40 with DEAL40 at Cirrus, $75 with GAMBLING75 or $100 with 100DEGREES at Prism, $100 with WIN100FREE at Club Player, $100 with PITBOSS at Palace of Chance, $50 with NDCASINOFORUM50 at Ruby Slots, $8 with PLAY8 at Grand Parker (RTG, US OK, attention, not more than 2 free chips in a row!).
iNetBet (RTG, US OK) gives free $5 with the code JH6Q8.
New Reel Rush slot must be launched tomorrow at NetEnt. So many NetEnt casinos will give 5-10 free spins.
Desert Night (RTG, US OK) gives 10 free spins with Achilles slot with the code 10ONTHEHOUSE.

16 July 2013 You can try to get free $50 with the code BIRTHDAY at Planet 7 Casino, Royal Ace or Silver Oak, $60 with 60POPART or $20 with 20RACHIP at Royal Ace, $51 with AREA51 at Planet 7 Casino, $30 with CBR30 or $75 with 75FREETIME at Silver Oak, $50 with JULY13APP at Club Player, Palace of Chance, Prism, Ruby Slots or Wild Vegas, $50 with APPRJLR50 at Cirrus, Cool Cat, Club Player, Palace of Chance, Prism, Ruby Slots, Party City or Wild Vegas, $50 with JULY2013APP at Cirrus, Cool Cat or Prism, $100 with STREETPARTY at Party City, $100 with 100CANNONS or $50 with 50COIN at Palace of Chance, $35 with FREEGAME35 at Ruby Slots, $8 with 8FREE at Classy Coin (RTG, US OK, attention, not more than 2 free chips in a row!).
WinPalace (RTG, US OK) gives free $25 to the new players with RP25FREE code.

Special offer: Go Wild (Microgaming, no US) gives 20 free spins at Planet Exotica for the new players.

09 July 2013 You can try to get free $75 with the code 4JULY75 at Planet 7 Casino, Royal Ace or Silver Oak, $45 with 45RINGS at Royal Ace or Planet 7 Casino, $100 with OLDGLORY at Silver Oak, $75 with INDREG75 and/or 4JULY75 at Cirrus, Cool Cat, Club Player, Palace of Chance, Prism, Ruby Slots or Wild Vegas, $100 with FIRECRACKER at Prism, $50 with CLOUDY50 at Cirrus, $100 with CITYCASH at Party City, $45 with the 45COOLER at Cool Cat, $100 with WILDFREE at Wild Vegas, $75 with RUBY75 at Ruby Slots, $9 with WEEKEND9 at Loco Panda, 25 free spins at T-Rex slot with 25TREX at OnBling (RTG, US OK, attention, not more than 2 free chips in a row!).
New Heavy Chips Casino (PlayTech+GamesOS, no US) gives free $34 to the new players.
Slotastic (RTG, US OK) offers 15 free spins on Builder Beaver slot with the code LIBERTY13.

02 July 2013 You can try to get free $50 with the code JULY2013 or JULY50 or JNRA50 at Planet 7 Casino, Royal Ace or Silver Oak, $100 with AIRKING at Royal Ace, $50 with JUL13APP or JUL2013APP at Cirrus, Prism, Wild Vegas, Club Player, Palace of Chance, $50 with APPRJR50 at Cirrus, Cool Cat, Club Player, Palace of Chance, Prism, Ruby Slots, Party City or Wild Vegas, $60 with CHIP60 at Club Player, $100 with REDROCK at Ruby Slots, $36 with 36FREE at Grand Parker (RTG, US OK, attention, not more than 2 free chips in a row!).
EuroMaxPlay (PlayTech, no US) updated bonus offer. It gives free $5 to the new players plus $35 on $5 deposit.

New «Casino of the Month» is Lucky Red (RTG, US OK). It's a member of well-known prize-winning CWC Group that accept US players. Great casino with nice games and efficient support. It has lucrative bonus offer too: 400% up to $4000. I really recommend to try this casino!

25 June 2013 You can try to get free $50 with the code FEC50 at Planet 7 Casino, Royal Ace or Silver Oak, $45 with 45RPM at Royal Ace, $100 with SILVERBARS at Silver Oak, $60 with GOGOBOOTS at Prism, $100 with RAINDANCE at Cirrus, $100 with the SASSYCAT at Cool Cat, $90 with XTRACHIPS90 at Cirrus, Prism, Wild Vegas, Club Player, Palace of Chance, $33 with 33FREEROUNDS at Party City, $7 with SUPER7 at Classy Coin (RTG, US OK, attention, not more than 2 free chips in a row!).
SlotoCash (RTG, US OK) offer 10 free spins on Builder Beaver slot with the code NDB10SPINS (valid till tomorrow).
Kings Chance Casino (Rival, no US) is a new online casino that offers free $20 to try their games.
Golden Galaxy Casino (PlayTech, no US) is a new online casino that offers free $25 to the new players.

18 June 2013 You can try to get free $100 with the code SUPERNOVA at Planet 7, $100 with PURESILVER at Silver Oak, $100 with MONEYTREE at Prism, $40 with TOP40 at Ruby Slots, $60 with the 60CHIPSFREE at Cool Cat, $100 with AFTERHOURS at Club Player, $67 with 67STINGRAY at Palace of Chance, $7 with SEVEN7 at OnBling (RTG, US OK, attention, not more than 2 free chips in a row!).
iNetBet (RTG, US OK) gives free $10 with the code PKUDU.
Casino Sieger (NetEnt, no US) is a new online casino that offers free €5 to the new players.

Playboy Poker (Ongame, no US) returned after a long pause. It offers free welcome package worth $11 ($5 cash and $6 in tickets).

11 June 2013 You can try to get free $50 with the code NDNC50 at Planet 7 Casino, Royal Ace or Silver Oak, $100 with 100FREEACE at Royal Ace, $100 with BIRTHDAY2013 at Prism, $60 with the 60CHIPSFREE at Cool Cat, $100 with 100REDLIGHT at Ruby Slots, $56 with THUNDER56 at Cirrus, $7 with REDEEM7 at Loco Panda, 50 free spins at Builder Beaver slot with SPIN50 at Classy Coin (RTG, US OK, attention, not more than 2 free chips in a row!).
iNetBet (RTG, US OK) gives free $5 with the code Q9H4N to play new games.
WinPalace (RTG, US OK) gives free $30 to try their mobile casino with the code NDNMOBILE.
Begado (RTG, US OK) gives free $50 to the new players with the code BEGADO50.
Grand Wild (PlayTech) is a new online casino that gives free €25 to the new players.

04 June 2013 You can try to get free $10 with the code JUNEWEEK1 or $50 with APPRECIATION or JUNE2013 or $25 with CAS360FREE25 at Planet 7 Casino, Royal Ace or Silver Oak, $70 with SOLAR70 at Planet 7, 25 free spint to play Lucky Tiger Slot with CB2TIGER25 at Silver Oak, $81 with FROGGER at Wild Vegas, $100 with VENICE at Prism, $100 with the CATMONEY at Cool Cat, $50 with JUN2013APP at Cirrus, Cool Cat, Prism, Wild Vegas, $50 with JUN13APP at Club Player, Palace of Chance, Ruby Slots, Party City, $100 with PARTYCASH at Party City, $50 with COLDCASH50 at Club Player, $100 with MADKING at Palace of Chance, $25 with ONBLING25 at OnBling, 50 free spins at Ninja Star with GPNINJA at Grand Parker (RTG, US OK, attention, not more than 2 free chips in a row!).
Jackpot Grand Casino (RTG, US OK) gives free $20 with SPEEDSPIN20 code.

I'm glad to present you a new Fly Casino (PlayTech, no US). It's a sister-casino of 15 years old Omni. New casino offers 110% sign-up bonus, plus 2nd and 3rd deposits bonuses and weekly Sunday bonus.

New «Casino of the Month» is Europa Casino (PlayTech, no US). They are part of respected group, offer full set of great Playtech games (including Marvel slots, live dealers, etc.), nice monthly bonuses and lots of deposit/withdrawal methods. They just updated their website, so check its new look and great flash games (in addition to download version).

28 May 2013 You can try to get 25 free spins on differnet slots with NINJA25, LOOT25, CB2BUILDER25, CB2MERMAID25 and 25WISHES codes at Silver Oak, $100 with 100PRISM at Prism, $100 with the 100CC at Cool Cat, $12 with MAYWEEK4 at Cirrus, Cool Cat, Club Player, Palace of Chance, Prism, Ruby Slots, Party City or Wild Vegas, 50 free spins at Loch Ness Loot slot with 50LNL at Classy Coin (RTG, US OK, attention, not more than 2 free chips in a row!).
Casino Titan (RTG, US OK) gives free $10 plus 15 free spins with TITANSPIN code.
Many NetEnt casinos (e.g. RedBet, no US) give free spins to play new EggOmatic slot!

21 May 2013 You can try to get free $100 with the code HAILSTORM at Cirrus, $62 with 62POINTS at Palace of Chance, 30 free spins at T-Rex Slot with TREX30 at OnBling (RTG, US OK, attention, not more than 2 free chips in a row!).
iNetBet (RTG, US OK) gives free $5 with the code ECXB3.
Lucky Hill Casino (propr., no US) gives free €20 to the new players.

14 May 2013 You can try to get free $50 with the code FACEBOOK50 or COMEBACK at Planet 7 Casino, Royal Ace or Silver Oak, $80 with ORBIT80 at Planet 7, $100 with MAYFLOWER at Silver Oak, $65 with 65WILDCHIP at Wild Vegas, $100 with HIGHCARD at Prism, $75 with the 75COOLCASH at Cool Cat, $50 with THANKYOU at Cirrus, Cool Cat, Club Player, Palace of Chance, Prism, Ruby Slots, Party City or Wild Vegas, $50 with RUBYSLOT50 or $52 with 52NEWCHIPS at Ruby Slots, $30 with FBONLY30 at Palace of Chance, $6 with WEEK6 and 50 free spins at Ninja Star with NINJA50 at Loco Panda (RTG, US OK, attention, not more than 2 free chips in a row!).
Slots Jungle Casino (RTG, US OK) gives free $10 to the new players with JUNGLESTART code.
iNetBet (RTG, US OK) gives free $5 with the code KYWKT to participate in 4 days challenge plus free $14 with the code DQHJJ (till 20th of may).
Desert Night (RTG, US OK) gives 25 free spins with Ninja Star slot with the code 25FREESPINSNINJA.
Slotland (propr., no US) gives free $12 with MOTHERS12 code.
Many NetEnt casinos (e.g. RedBet, no US) give free spins to play new Silent Run slot!

07 May 2013 You can try to get free $50 with the code APPRECIATION at Planet 7 Casino, Royal Ace or Silver Oak, $60 with 60SAFEBET at Wild Vegas, $50 with the RTGBONUS50 at Cool Cat, $50 with BIRTHDAY at Cirrus, Cool Cat, Club Player, Palace of Chance, Prism, Ruby Slots, Party City or Wild Vegas, $100 with VELVETROPE at Club Player, $50 with RTGBONUS50 at Ruby Slots, $100 with PARTYCITY100 at Party City, $44 with 44SPECIAL at Palace of Chance, 20 free spins at Loch Ness Loot slot with 20LNLFS at Classy Coin (RTG, US OK).
Jackpot Grand Casino (RTG, US OK) gives free $20 with LOCOMAY code.
iNetBet (RTG, US OK) gives free $5 with the code FRIFSMAY to play new slots.

02 May 2013 You can try to get free $100 with the code KINGDOM at Royal Ace, $50 with BDAY2013MAY or MAY2013 at Planet 7 Casino, Royal Ace or Silver Oak, $54 with 54SPACE at Planet 7, $25 with RTGBONUS25 or $100 with HIHOSILVER at Silver Oak, $100 with CHIPBONUS at Party City, $50 with the GGFREE50 or $100 with COOLEST100 at Cool Cat, $200 with FACE200 at Prism, $62 with 62WHITECLOUD at Cirrus, $100 with REDCARPET at Ruby Slots, $50 with MAY13APP at Club Player, Palace of Chance, Ruby Slots, Party City or Wild Vegas, $50 with MAY2013APP at Cirrus, Cool Cat, Palace of Chance, Prism or Wild Vegas, $30 with 30FIVE at Grand Parker (RTG, US OK).
iNetBet (RTG, US OK) gives $10 free with the code BNGT10.
High Noon Casino (RTG, US OK) gives 25 free spins with the code VIPSPINS25 to Ninja Star slots.
Many NetEnt casinos (e.g. RedBet, no US) give free spins to play new Star Wars slot!

23 April 2013 You can try to get free $25 with the code BONUSBLOG25 or $50 with APRILXLFT1 at Planet 7 Casino, Royal Ace or Silver Oak, $100 with HIHOSILVER or $50 with SILVERNODEP50 at Silver Oak, $50 with DISCOHUSTLE at Party City, $100 with the COOLSPRING100 at Cool Cat, $100 with PALACE100 or $60 with POCSPRING60 at Palace of Chance, $50 with CRPSCHRT at Prism, $100 with 100FORFREE at Cirrus, $45 with 45VINYL or $70 with CPSPRING70 at Club Player, $60 with 60WILDCHILD at Wild Vegas, $55 with RUBYSPRING55 at Ruby Slots, $50 with GOODTIME50 at Grand Parker, $40 with PANDA40 at Loco Panda, 25 free spins at Builder BeaverSlot with OB25BB or free $30 with HOUSE30 at OnBling, $7 with GETSEVEN or $35 with FIRSTCLASS35 at Classy Coin (RTG, US OK).
Casino Del Rio (PlayTech, no US) gives free $50 to the new players.

16 April 2013 You can try to get free $100 with the code 100CASTLES or $50 with FREE50NOW at Royal Ace, $50 with FREE50NOW or P7NODEP50 at Planet 7, $100 with the 100COMPCHIP at Cool Cat, $50 with 50FREECASH at Prism, $68 with 68FASTBACK at Ruby Slots, 25 free spins at Ninja Star with GPNS25 at Grand Parker, 25 free spins at T-Rex Slot with NEWGAME20 or $25 with 25OBND at OnBling (RTG, US OK).
Mobile version of Slotland (propr., no US) gives free $14 with GOMOBILE code.
1King Casino (propr., no US) gives free $175 to the new players.

09 April 2013 You can try to get 500 Free spins on Builder Beaver with BUILDER500 code at Silver Oak, $100 with 100FREETIME at Wild Vegas, $100 with ACES88 at Cirrus, $100 with CLUBLIFE at Club Player, $100 with RUBYRED at Ruby Slots, $66 with 66FREERIDE at Party City, $7 with WEEK7 at Grand Parker, $6 with USPOWER6 at Loco Panda (RTG, US OK).
Slotland (propr., no US) gives free $17 with ASK7BDAY code.
Sin City Casino (propr., no US) gives free $30 to the new players.
Intertops (RTG, no US) gives 10 free spins on Ninja Star Slot to the new players with the code NINJA20.

02 April 2013 You can try to get free $50 with the code APRIL2013 or APRIL50 at Planet 7 Casino, Royal Ace or Silver Oak, $65 with the code 65FREESPINS at Royal Ace, $50 with APR2013APP at Cirrus, Club Player, Prism or Wild Vegas, $50 with APR13APP at Club Player, Palace of Chance, Ruby Slots, Party City or Wild Vegas, $50 with PLAY50 at Loco Panda, $27 with TWENTY7 at Classy Coin (RTG, US OK).
Jackpot Capital (RTG, US OK) gives 20 free spins with EASTEREGG13 to play Mermaid Queen Slot.
iNetBet (RTG, US OK) gives 5 free spins with the code APR1ST13 to Hillbillies slots.
Ladbrokes (Microgaming, no US) gives free $25 to the new UK players.

26 March 2013 You can try to get free $50 with the code RAC50 at Royal Ace, $100 with CAMELOT or $50 with NDBB50 at Silver Oak, $100 with REDPLANET at Planet 7, $100 with BUCKWILD at Wild Vegas, $100 with the 100ALLEYCAT or BUCKWILD at Cool Cat, $100 with 50FREEPLAY at Palace of Chance, $75 with the 75FREEBET or $25 with ALLALLOWED25 at Prism, $65 with CRAZYCHIP at Cirrus, $100 with BIGCLUB at Club Player, $7 with SE7EN at OnBling (RTG, US OK).
Slotastic Casino (RTG, US OK) gives free $25 with BDAY25.
iNetBet (RTG, US OK) gives free $5 with the code UNMKR to play new slots.

19 March 2013 You can try to get free $100 with the code ROYALCROWN at Royal Ace,$75 with GOLDENPOT75 at Palace of Chance, $60 with 60FREEROLLS at Ruby Slots, $50 with 50FREEGAMES at Party City, $50 with the SILVERDOLLAR at Prism, $5 free with PANDA5 and $28 to the new players with 28FREE at Loco Panda, $25 with WINWIN25 at Grand Parker (RTG, US OK).
Grande Vegas Casino (RTG, US OK) gives 17 Free Spins on Mermaid Queen slot with PATFREE code and 20 Free Spins on Builder Beaver Slot with SPINS03152 (will expire soon).
iNetBet (RTG, US OK) gives free $5 with the code FRIFSMA to play Loch Ness Loot slot.
New Leo Jackpot Casino (NetEnt., no US) gives 10 free spins on severeal slots to the new players (valid till end of march).
New Lucky 24/7Casino (Microgaming flash., no US) gives free $7,77 to the new players.

12 March 2013 You can try to get free $100 with the code 100MAR13 at Planet 7 Casino, Royal Ace or Silver Oak, $20 with BFCL20 at Silver Oak, $100 with TOUR100 at Planet 7, $60 with GAMETIME at Wild Vegas, $100 with the CASINO100 at Cool Cat, $100 with 100MAR13 at Cirrus, Club Player, Palace of Chance, Prism, Ruby Slots, Party City or Wild Vegas, $60 with 60FREESPINS at Club Player, $50 with STREAK50 at Ruby Slots, $100 with PARTYFREE at Party City, $30 with W30IN or $25 with GRAB25 at Winpalace, $50 with 50FREE at Grand Parker, $50 with PLAY50 at Classy Coin (RTG, US OK).
Jackpot Grand Casino (RTG, US OK) gives free $20 to the new players with BGMARCH20 code.
iNetBet (RTG, US OK) gives free $5 with the code A998N to play new slots.
Intertops (RTG, no US) gives 20 free spins at Hillbillies slot with the code NLN20_2.
Indalo Casino (propr., no US) gives free $5 to the new players.
Casino 777 (propr., no US) offer up to €100 after registration.

05 March 2013 You can try to get free $50 with the code BDAY2013MAR or MARCH2013 at Planet 7 Casino, Royal Ace or Silver Oak, $55 with DRIVE55 at Royal Ace, $100 with 100CHIPCOUNT at Silver Oak, $55 with ROCKET55 at Planet 7, $60 with PALACE60 at Palace of Chance, $100 with the 100FREECHIP at Prism, $50 with MAR2013APP at Cool Cat, Cirrus, Prism or Wild Vegas, $5 with ALMOSTMARCH at OnBling, $5 with FIVEWEEK at Classy Coin (RTG, US OK).

New «Casino of the Month» is Titan Casino (PlayTech, no US). It's one of the leading PlayTech casinos, plus poker-room and sportsbook. I really enjoyed playing new Sopranos slot there, got plenty of free spins and won some too. I had good results with blackjack, support was fast and efficient and I got my money hassle-free. So it's one great casino for those outside the USA!

26 February 2013 You can try to get free $100 with the code TRIPACES or $30 with GBC30 at Royal Ace, $100 with LADYLUCK at Silver Oak, $100 with WIN100 at Wild Vegas, $60 with POWER60 at Club Player, $50 with 50FUNCASH at Party City, $100 with 100CATDADDY at Cool Cat, $70 with the FREEPLAY70 at Prism, $70 with MEGA70 at Cirrus, $5 with SLOTS5 at OnBling, $27 with 27SPECIAL at Classy Coin (RTG, US OK).
SlotoCash (RTG, US OK) offer 10 free spins on Inca Slot with the code FREEINCASPINS.
Many NetEnt casinos (RedBet, CasinoEuro, etc.) offers 5 free spins at new Wild Turkey slot.

19 February 2013 You can try to get free $80 with the code SATURN80 at Planet 7 Casino, $100 with NODEPSOAK at Silver Oak, $25 with LOVEPOC at Palace of Chance, $100 with FABULOUS100 at Cool Cat, $70 with FREEPLAY70 at Prism, $5 with SLOTS5 at OnBling, $27 with 27SPECIAL at Classy Coin (RTG, US OK).
iNetBet (RTG, US OK) gives free $5 with the code DURD7.
Desert Night (RTG, US OK) gives 25 free spins with Lochness Loot slot with the code DESERTNESS.

Mr Green (NetEnt, Microgaming) got International Gaming Award as the best online casino! PlayTech was named the best online casino software, Skrill is the best payment method and WillHill has the best slots!

12 February 2013 You can try to get free $70 with the code 70DISCOBALL at Palace of Chance, $80 with 80FEB2013 at Club Player, $70 with 70FEB2013 at Cool Cat, $75 with 75FEB2013 at Cirrus (RTG, US OK).
Slotland (propr., no US) gives free $18 with ICELAND18 code try out new Ice Queen slot.
Cleos VIP Room (propr., US only, promotional casino games) offers $27 no-deposit sign-up bonus plus $14 more with the code LOVE14 until Valentine Day.

05 February 2013 You can try to get free $100 with the code NASA100 at Planet 7 Casino, $100 with KENO100 at Royal Ace and $77 with LUCKY77 at Silver Oak, $50 with FEB13APP at Palace of Chance, $50 with BET50FREE or $100 with 10SAWBUCKS at Wild Vegas, $50 with FEB13APP at Club Player, $77 with LUCKY77 at Party City, $100 with WINTER100 at Cool Cat, $100 with the ACEHIGH100 or $50 with 13FEBAPP at Prism, $100 with STORM100 at Cirrus, $50 with FEB13APP or $75 with CASINO75 at Ruby Slots (RTG, US OK) or $50 for all abovementioned casinos with FEB2013BDAY.
You can get 25 free spins on Lochness Loot with PARK20 at Grand Parker, $10 free with REVIEWED10 at Loco Panda (RTG, US OK).
iNetBet (RTG, US OK) gives 3 free spins on Builder Beaver Slot with the code FRIFSJF.

New «Casino of the Month» is QuasarGaming (Novomatic, no US). It offers very popular in Europe offline videoslots like Book of Ra, Lucky Lady's Charm, Columbus, etc. It's official copies of real games bring to you by GreenTube, Novomatic subsidary. Casino gives €200 match bonus plus more promotions. Support is good, payment is fast (they checked my docs and sent money in one day), games are well-known (at least at some countries). So check this casino, if you love Novomatic slots.

29 January 2013 You can try to get free $60 with the code CHIPPL60 or $50 with P7CHIP at Planet 7 Casino, $100 with CHIPRA100 or $50 with RAFREE at Royal Ace and $50 with CHIPSOAK50 or $100 with FREEDOLLARS at Silver Oak, $70 with PALACE70 or $75 with PRIVATE75 and KINGCHIP75 at Palace of Chance, $75 with WILDCH75 at Wild Vegas, $90 with THECLUB90 or $50 with CLUB50 at Club Player, $60 with PCCHIP60 at Party City, $95 with WAYCOOL95 at Cool Cat, $60 with the PRCHIP60 or $75 with BRAVO75 at Prism, $50 with CLOUDS50 at Cirrus, $75 with RUBYCH75 or $100 with WINNER100 at Ruby Slots (RTG, US OK) or $50 for all abovementioned casinos with FREEBEES50.
You can get 15 free spins on Loch Ness Loot with OB15SPN code at OnBling, 15 free spins on Hillbillies Slot HLBL15 at Classy Coin, 25 free spins on Mermaid Queen Slot with SPINMQ25 at Grand Parker, 20 free spins on Builder Beaver Slot with LPBUILDER20 at Loco Panda (RTG, US OK).
Jackpot Grand Casino (RTG, US OK) gives free $50 to the new players with the code JACKPOT50.
4 Donk Casino (propr., no US) gives free $20 for Facebook sharing.

22 January 2013 You can try to get free $100 with the code PLCHIP100 at Planet 7 Casino, $60 with RACHIP60 at Royal Ace and $90 with SICHIP90 at Silver Oak, $75 with KINGCHIP75 at Palace of Chance, $60 with WILDEST60 at Wild Vegas, $60 with THECLUB60 at Club Player, $80 with PARTY80 at Party City, $75 with COOLCHIP75 at Cool Cat, $80 with the LUCKY80 at Prism, $100 with RUBYCHIP100 at Ruby Slots (RTG, US OK).
iNetBet (RTG, US OK) gives free $5 with the code Q6PHX to play The Dream Run slots.
Desert Night (RTG, US OK) gives 25 free spins with Builder Beaver Slot with the code SPINSBUILDER.

One lucky finnish player won about €17,8 mln. at Mega Fortune jackpot (NetEnt), which is a new online jackpot record!

15 January 2013 You can try to get free $80 with the code PLANETCHIP at Planet 7 Casino, $70 with ROYALCHIP at Royal Ace and $60 with SILVERCHIP at Silver Oak, $50 with LUCKY60 at Palace of Chance or Cirrus, $70 with HAPPY70 at Club Player, $50 with JAN13APP or $100 with HAPPY100 at Party City, $70 with COOLER70 at Cool Cat, $90 with the WINBIG90 at Prism, $90 with RUBY90 at Ruby Slots (RTG, US OK).
New Jackpot Grand Casino (RTG, US OK) gives free $50 with the code NDB50. You can get up to 400% sign-up bonus plus big weekly bonuses.
Another new casino is EuroMaxPlay (PlayTech, no US, sister casino of Winner). They offer 400% sign-up bonus too :).

Mega Fortune Jackpot at NetEnt casinos exceded fantastic $17 mln.! To help you to get this great prize Unibet offers you 10 free spins every day until jackpot is hit!

01 January 2013 Welcome to 2013! Wish you all the best of luck!
You can try to get free $100 with the code HAPPY100 or $50 with BDAY2013JAN or JANUARY2013 at Planet 7 Casino, Royal Ace or Silver Oak, $50 with JAN13APP at Palace of Chance, Club Player, Party City or Wild Vegas, $50 with JAN2013APP at Cool Cat and Cirrus, $100 with the 13JANAPP or JAN2013APP at Prism (RTG, US OK).
iNetBet (RTG, US OK) gives free $13 with the code NYE13 (will expire soon).
Desert Night and SlotoCash (RTG, US OK) offer $7 without deposit with the code HAPPY2013 (valid till tomorrow).